Covid-19 and McGregor Rd Track Update – 9/7/20
Covid-19 and McGregor Rd Track Update – 9/7/20

Hi Everyone, On a sad note it came to the club committee’s attention that we lost a valued club member back in late March. Rod Gascoigne had been attending the McGregor Rd Track along with his two son’s over the past 3 years and will be sadly missed. Please go to seperate website post for the clubs Vale notice for Rod or click on link below:

As your reading this there are many club members now isolating at home (again..) over the next 6 weeks, while some lucky members who live outside Melbourne’s Metropolitan Area’s are still free to roam, ride and pretty well do what they like, luck buggers !!

Well this year isn’t getting any better in a hurry, after a couple of annual rides over the Queens Birthday weekend its been a very disappointing year for club activities. If the virus can’t be brought back under control it’ll be the least amount of riding most of us have done in a very very long time, so please follow our Governments advice and do your bit to help halt the spread.

Current club news along with Covid-19 Restrictions and ongoing Water Issues at McGregor Rd as follows: 

  • Club committee will make an announcement soon regarding 2021 Club Memberships
  • Weekly Meetings and club rides are still on hold until further notice
  • All McGregor Rd Track Days are cancelled until further notice (Hopefully we might have a mini drought over next 6 weeks an allow ground to dry out)

There is also 2 new posts on the club website, ride reports for the Queens Birthday Dargo Trail Ride weekend and 8 day adventure ride deep into NSW’s Outback, if you can’t wait and want to read them now click on below links:

On Behalf of the Club Committee,

Keep Well and Stay safe


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