Queens Birthday Long Long Weekend Adventure Ride – Part 1
Queens Birthday Long Long Weekend Adventure Ride – Part 1

Way back in the relaxed times of 2019 two separate adventure rides headed off over the Queens Birthday long weekend and beyond. One group heading into NSW’s Outback for a week of great riding while the other group headed to the Finke Desert Race over a 16 day period. This year with Covid-19 making planning a little uncertain a group of ten KooWee Club members set of on an awesome eight day adventure deep into NSW’s Outback. 

Long time member, budding author, keen motorcyclist and renowned holiday taker, “Holiday Bob” Sanders kindly put his hand up to tell the story of eight awesome days of adventure bike riding. It will be delivered over several editions so read on and enjoy the first…. Cheers, spanner

Riders and well wishers early Friday morning getting ready for an emotional send off (for those not going..) at Beacy servo

Iso Lords Part 1:  (Words Bob, Photo’s spanner)

The border is open to NSW… Who’s up for a ride ? 10 takers! Mick, Steve & Woody can’t leave till Saturday. Cool we’ll do a loop & meet them in Echuca .
7 riders meet at Beacy Servo with a few jealous bikers & kids to see us off , Hans ,Val & DR Dave on Triumphs, Spanner & Moz on V-Stroms ,KLR Dave on his faithful Kwaka & myself on my newish SWM from Powerhouse .  Heading North through Warburton to Reefton Spur & Woods Point .
Moving off from Cumberland Junction, I miss my footing & down I go ! Well ,at least thats out of the way. Through to Mansfield & the back way to Myrtleford.

Then over to Tatong & back roads that lead us towards Mitta Mitta. It’s getting on, looking down off the road ,I can see heavy frost still sitting on the scrub from last night and snow high up on Mt Bogong. This is going to be cold!  As twilight sets in, we are looking for a camp sight . Too many hunting dogs here, someone’s is in that bush cabin, finally there’s a clearing & plenty of wood too, that will do.
Set up & collect some wood , heat up a feed & not being so organised we haven’t stopped for supplies. I’ve a canteen of port thats passed around the fire & its getting cold so an early night .
Now I haven’t slept in a 2 man tent for sometime . Some of Luke’s mates camped on the lawn at his 21st & left a 2 man tent in the bin . That’ll do I thought….
Wrong, my head & toes touch either end & not having a fly both ends are wet and that good sleeping bag I found, not good enough. At 4:30 I’m awake & feeling the cold.  Put on my down jacket & can’t get the sleeping bag done up .But thats OK as Spanner is soon up & saying we’ve got to get going .
What ! It’s still dark ! He’s a man possessed !  Frost starts forming on the bikes as we pack up . A cool but pleasant ride through unfamiliar country ,dodging hunting dogs , & into Mitta Mitta for fuel & fresh coffee.


Headed north to Old Tallangatta, caught a punt across the North arm of the Hume Reservoir and into NSW. Apparently you don’t wait so long if you press the bell at the high water mark. Who’d have thought!   A particularly cold ride on dirt roads along the north side of the Murray East to Jingellic. Really pretty country ,but my hands are cold & I’ve got Heated hand grips. Can’t imagine how cold the guys are without them!  As the freezing fog starts to lift so does the enthusiasm & the speed.
Checked out the old Jingellic Pub & refuel. The thinking riders get into the store first to get a pie as there is only ever 2 in the pie warmer !
We head west on good sealed country roads in bright sunshine to Holbrook, refuel & onto Echuca. We weren’t pushing too hard, but it was to severely impact my fuel economy later in the day….
Pulling up in Echuca I resolve to buy a new sleeping bag while others check out Dans & grab a feed of chicken & chips as it will save us cooking tonight .
Mick Woody & Steve roll up & we move out of town to camp by the river. This is where my fuel calculations find me out & run out of fuel in the camp site. A great night was had by all as we caught up around the fire.



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