Working Bee McGregor Rd Track – 8/11/20
Working Bee McGregor Rd Track – 8/11/20

Hi Everyone, a message for all track users and any other club members who would like to help out.

A working bee has been scheduled for Sunday the 8/11/20 starting at 9am through to midday where a sausage sizzle and drinks will be provided. Hopefully you can make it along for a couple of hours so we can get the kids back on their bikes (and oldies to…)

Note: We’ll be operating under COVID Safe Rules so please bring your masks along

With resent heavy rain the track area is still very wet underfoot and grass is getting long, however we are hopeful that it will start drying out enough to allow us to run a track day late November.

Aim of working bee is to carry out the following work:

  • Grass cutting/whipper snip around – buildings, amenities, McGregor Rd entry area, driveway etc.
  • Cut in PeeWee, Intermediate and senior cross country tracks
  • External wash down, clean up of canteen caravan and check stock inventory
  • Clean BBQ trailer
  • Inspect water tank trailer and give pump a run in preparation for summer
  • Check and restock First Aid Kits
  • General tidy up around buildings etc

After 8 or so months of laying idle the grass is long so we’ll need plenty of whipper snipers and maybe a heavy duty mower if anyone has one suitable for long thick grass along with general maintenance tools.

Bob Sanders has kindly offered and will be bringing his small tracker and grass cutting equipment to cut in the riding tracks and mow the car park area.

FYI.. Hay will be cut again this year in riding area’s, not sure at this stage when this will happen but suspect sometime early December.

Thanks and Regards,

Track Committee


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