Track Report – Sunday 26th May 2019
Track Report – Sunday 26th May 2019

What a cracking Sunday this turned out to be!

After some average weather leading up to Sunday it turned out perfect, sunshine all day.

We had 49 riders of all age groups turned up, from 4 year olds with training wheels through to more senior riders.

A big welcome to five new Family’s who joined the club on the day and also to the 19 Day memberships, encouraging signs for future growth.

A Big Thank You to our track volunteers who ensure the track will be open and operational every fortnight. Please reply to text’s sent out the week leading up to the next “track day” looking for volunteers to assist with planning. If you are unsure how you can help please give Jo a call (0419 356 420) to find out what our volunteers do. ALL help is warmly welcomed!

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