McGregor Rd Track Update
McGregor Rd Track Update

Hi Everyone,  please read on for a quick update on the current status of the McGregor Rd Track in relation to the new Pakenham Motorsport Facility planned as part of this site.


  • As of the start of 2020 track season a large majority of the old tracks (PeeWee, Junior/Intermediate, The Gorse and parts of the Motocross and Enduro Loop) come within the 200 meter environmental exclusion zone on each side of the Tumuc Valley Creek and therefore are now unusable.
  • Moving forward….  We will be running our track days on the temporary tracks used towards the end of 2019, unfortunately that means there will be no Motocross track available but there’ll be PeeWee, Junior/Intermediate and Senior Cross Country tracks available. This area is available until Podium 1 starts work on Motorsport Facility
  • What Now….  The Cardinia Shire Council has publicly stated that finding a permeant home for the KWR&DMCC is a priority for them in 2020 with further meetings on alternate sites starting in the next couple of weeks. However realistically we are still years (aiming at 2) away from this falling into place and as we all know the club has worked hard over the last 20+ years for this to happen. We have to keep moving forward !!
  • That means….  We will be staying at McGregor Rd over this time but not where the current temporary tracks are located. We’ll be relocating to to the McGregor Rd end of the property, taking in the current (old) Pakenham Auto Club site through to McGregor Rd and have access to the land earmarked for the KooWeeRup Freeway Bypass (See Attached Map).   Now that the Motorsport Facility has been given the go ahead by Cardinia Shire the 3 Lots of land (Lot 1 – Pakenham Auto Club, Lot 2 – KWR&DMCC, Lot 3 – Motorsport Facility) all now require permits to build new tracks. Plans for tracks being put forward to Council for permit approval will include PeeWee, Junior/Intermediate, Cross Country and Motocross on roughly 18 hectares/44 acres of land. Keeping in mind this isn’t to be our permeant home so costs need to be considered.
  • Help will be required…. Once the track permit has been approved we’ll be looking for club members (and non club members for that matter) that can assist with equipment and/or knowledge and manpower in preparation of relocating current buildings (along with Nobbies Falcon) and building of new tracks.  If you can help out in any way it will be greatly appreciated. Please txt John Spencer on 0422299627 with your name and how you might be able to help out. A database of capabilities will be put together and when permit approval has taken place we’ll be back in touch to put together and implement a plan.

Appreciate your time taking in this information and patience while the club heads towards a permanent home, it’s been a long time coming.


John Spencer

Overhead View of McGregor Rd Property:  Red – Relocating tracks into this area when permit approved:   Yellow – Alternate tracks currently in this area:  Original track area can be seen on left hand side along with Tumuc Valley Creek


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