Last Ditch Effort To Let Santa Know About KWRMCC Kids Breakup !!
Last Ditch Effort To Let Santa Know About KWRMCC Kids Breakup !!

In a Desperate bid to remind Santa of the KooWeeRup & District kid’s Christmas break-up on the 1st & 2nd December a club sticker has been rushed to as near as possible to Santa’s home at the North Pole !!

The pictures below show the last few hours of travel before the sticker made it to its final resting place at 1pm on the 28/11/2018, a long way from home…

And the sticker should be a good reminder to Santa that Daniel Milner is the Number 1 Enduro rider in the world, he should get a really good present for that 🙂

(click/tap on photo’s to enlarge)


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