KWR&DMCC Rules And Purposes 2019 (Constitution)
KWR&DMCC Rules And Purposes 2019 (Constitution)

To All KWR&DMCC Members,

Please find a link to the updated KooWeeRup and District Motorcycle Club Rules and Purposes otherwise known as the Constitution. This document is now aligned to current legislation and club practices. This is the last of many drafts prepared by lawyers and reviewed by the Club Committee.

We offer it for your consideration and concerns/comments need to be returned to – – no later than close of business on 15/11/19.

A vote will be taken to adopt the new Rules and Purposes at club meeting held on Tuesday 26/11/19 –  7:30pm Pakenham Bowls Club.

Rules and Purposes of the KWRDMCC 2019


Club Committee

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