Kids Christmas Break Up – Sunday 12/12/21
Kids Christmas Break Up – Sunday 12/12/21

Hi Everyone, this years kid’s  Christmas Party will be held at McGregor Road Track on Sunday the 12/12/21.

Track will be open for riding from 9am until 1pm only, there’ll be no ride fee’s on the day but you’re still required to sign in at sign-in desk with your current 2022 club membership card or completed 2022 membership form.

At 1pm when all bikes are off the tracks there’ll be a supplied BBQ lunch and a very special visit from Santa and his Alf mid afternoon,  with a small gift for the kids.  So bring your chairs and esky and enjoy a social afternoon with your fellow club members.
Senior riders are welcome to join in the day but restricted to the 9am to 1pm ride times.


If you plan to attend please return a text to club phone (0458 250 450) with the number of children and adults by this coming Monday 6th Dec at the latest so catering requirements and gifts can be organized.
Note – This will be last track day for 2021. Track reopens on the first Sunday of February 2022 – 6/2/22
On behalf of the Club Committee we look forward to see you there..

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