Kids Christmas Break-Up – Report
Kids Christmas Break-Up – Report

Report from President Terry (King of the kids)

2018 Kids break up was a bloody ripper, a great turn out.

Everyone had a great  time and santa made a visit much to the kids delight.

A huge storm arrived about 4am and sent lots home wet through. How much fun can you have in the rain 🙂

Also a massive thanks to everyone who helped make this such a great event, specially santa all the way from the north pole.

A big Congratulations to Wyatt Price who took the most improved trophy home for this year. (Hope he woooo’s up a bit so the old man can stay with him…)

On behalf of  The KooWeeRup & District Motorcycle Club we wish our members and families a Very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.

Look forward to seeing you all next year, 2019 will be a great year to go riding !!

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