Important Notice – Rescheduling of 2020 AGM and Cancellation of Next General Meeting
Important Notice – Rescheduling of 2020 AGM and Cancellation of Next General Meeting

Important Notice Regarding Rescheduling of Annual General Meeting and Cancellation of next General Meeting

  • After two cancellations due to COVID-19 our 2020 Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled for 16th March 2021.
  • Also at the AGM a special resolution will be proposed to update the clubs Rules & Purposes to bring us into the modern world as follows:
  1. -PART 4: General Meetings Of The Association
  2. -33: Notice of General Meetings
  3. -4: Notice may be given by text, electronic or other means as deemed appropriate by the committee
  • Also, due to the President, Vice President and Treasurer being unavailable the next General Meeting to be held on 2/3/21 has been cancelled. The next General Meeting will be held on 16/3/21 following the AGM 
If you can’t make the AGM and want your vote to count please use the attached Appointment of Proxy Form:
Hope you can make it for a catch up and pizza following the meetings, looking forward to seeing you there.
Cheers spanner

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