First Club Mtg and McGregor Rd Track Opening For 2021 – Read On !!
First Club Mtg and McGregor Rd Track Opening For 2021 – Read On !!

Happy New Year to everyone, hope this finds you rested and ready for a far better year than 2020 !!

Just a couple of points of interest to kick the year off:

  1. The first club meeting for 2021 is scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Feb at our normal meeting point, Pakenham Bowls Club arriving from 7pm onwards for 7:30 start. You’ll notice quite a change to the venue since we were last there. Reminder Texts will be sent out to all club members prior to meeting.
  2. The McGregor Rd Track will be reopening on the 07/02/21 after the annual December/January closure. As usuasual we plan to open the track on a fortnightly basis but this may change if we can’t get enough officials/volunteers or Total Fire Bans etc. 

Looking forward to catching up, no doubt there’ll be plenty to talk about!!

Cheers, Spanner

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