Do we open the track on the Queen’s birthday weekend (next weekend ) or not?
Do we open the track on the Queen’s birthday weekend (next weekend ) or not?

Do we open the track on the Queen’s birthday weekend (next weekend ) or not?

It is our scheduled Sunday to open , however the majority of our volunteer workers are an another  annual Queens Birthday club event, sooo the following is needed to make the call please…

1. We need at least 3 people at the track from 8am to set up and round up the cows, one with a bike please.
2. We need a clerk of course who is accredited, plus at least one other official and another helper.
3. We need two people to man the canteen.
4. We need to have confirmation from people that are keen to ride.

Please respond to any/ all the above before COB on Tuesday so the call can be made as to run or not run.
As you can see having members helping out is imperative to the running of the track, and we would love your support / assist.

We understand some may and some may not have plans, so please just let us know so we can make a fair call..

Please text or call Jo on 0419 356 420… looking forward to hearing from you.

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