Club News Update – 22/04/2020
Club News Update – 22/04/2020

Hope this finds all Club members and families doing well, having just completed our first month of the dreaded COVID19 isolation restrictions.

No doubt it’s been a challenge over this time for many members with changes to work and family routines, not to mention trying to find a good excuse to wheel the bike out of the shed. More importantly I’m pleased to say there hasn’t been any reports of club member’s contracting the virus. Lets stick to the rules and keep it that way !!

Now for a couple of item’s of interest:

  • ANZAC DAY – In the absence of ANZAC Day gatherings a wreath has been arranged to be laid on behalf of the KWR&DMCC at the KooWeeRup War Memorial this coming Saturday 25th April.
  • Queen’s Birthday Weekend Ride – At this stage our annual Queen’s Birthday weekend Woods Point ride (now held at Dargo..) is sitting idle until Covid19 restrictions are reviewed by Vic Government scheduled for May 11th.  A decision will be made after the review is announced.
  • McGregor Rd Track Update:
    • Firstly the relocation of the club tracks to the Eastern end of the the property have taken a positive step forward. Plans have been submitted to Cardinia Council for relocation of the buildings, canteen and the all important track layout consisting of PeeWee, Junior/Intermediate, Enduro/Cross Country and MotoCross tracks.  (See attached plan for your reference).
    • These plans have been reviewed by council with approval now given to relocate buildings and all track designs. However while the buildings can now be moved to their new locations, we still have a process to follow to apply for a “Planning Permit” to allow work on the tracks to commence. This process can’t proceed until the State Planning Minister advises the new Motorsports Development (PODIUM 1) for the need of a Environmental Effects Statement. No outlook given for this decision as yet.
    • Below Track Plan Points of Interest:
      • This track relocation, in itself, is a temporary solution until a permanent home is negotiated with Cardinia Council. Discussions continue with Council and hopefully we can announce the final location later in the year.
      • Total Land Size on this plan, at McGregor road, is approx 45 Acres, with around 7Km’s of tracks. Cross country and MotoX tracks can be linked as needed.
      • Track design is only indicative, and can be changed while keeping inline with required buffer zones, jump heights etc.
      • Please contact me if you require any further information. When restrictions are lifted we will call a track meeting looking for knowledge and volunteers to get things in motion.

Looking forward to our world returning to normality over the coming months and Club Meetings commencing again. We will keep you informed of any other developments as they happen.

All the best and hope to see you all on your bikes again soon,



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