Club News – 2021 AGM / 2022 Memberships and McGregor Rd Track Information
Club News – 2021 AGM / 2022 Memberships and McGregor Rd Track Information

Hi Everyone, Well hopefully we’ll be enjoying the “New Norm” and finally get back to riding and enjoying our bikes, whether that be trail, track, road or adventure. Please read on for important information regarding 2021 AGM, Club Memberships, Club rides and McGregor Rd Track.

But firstly, big Congratulations go out to our members Daniel Milner, taking out the hard fought 2021 Australian Off Road Championship and Moni Simioni in her first senior season taking home the 2021 Victorian Woman’s Off Road Championship. What an awesome effort in the most difficult of seasons. Congratulations must go out to all KooWee members that competed throughout the year, thanks for flying the flag !! 

  • 2021 AGM scheduled date 25/10/21 
    • Postponed until further notice due to ongoing Covid restrictions (Hopefully before years end…)
  • 2022 Memberships
    • After careful consideration on the effect Covid lockdowns have had on our members, community and club activities, the committee voted unanimously to rollover 2021 financial members to 2022, at no cost. This will be the 2nd year of membership rollovers offered during the Covid pandemic. The clubs financial situation is robust and can support this initiative again for 2022.  Now your part, a new membership form will need to be completed to activate your 2022 membership.
    • To Activate your 2022 Membership all you need to do is complete and sign a new membership form and return it to the club membership secretary by the following methods.
  • McGregor Rd Update – The track will open ASAP based on the following items  
    • Motorcycling Victoria have advised that only Track Officials require the 2 jabs to participate at this stage – Club currently working through issue..
    • Motorcycling Victoria will advise when restrictions are eased to allow re-opening – Hopefully not too far away
    • Track, spectator and parking area’s are overgrown from lack of use,  a working bee will be called the week before planned reopening. Please come along help out, we need to get the kids and grown ups out of the house and back on their bikes 🙂
  • Other Activities 
    • Trail, Adventure and Road Rides – Texts will be sent out to members when restrictions ease for upcoming rides
    • Kids Christmas Party (Planned for McGregor Rd) – Date TBA, waiting on further restriction information..
  • Club Merchandise Now Available

On Behalf of Committee, keep well and hope to see you soon.


Let’s get back to what we enjoy… Riding Bikes !!

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