Club News – 24/08/21
Club News – 24/08/21

Hi Everyone, Hope this finds all our members surviving another lockdown as best they can, while most will say their doing ok I’m sure there’s a few of us that aren’t.  If your struggling in our current world don’t go it alone, please reach out to the club, a mate, a friend or any of the helplines made available to the community. 

While Covid lockdowns have been rolling on the Club and Track Committee’s have been plodding along in the background and have some good news to report.  Along with the successful grant for a new tractor (delivery after current lockdown) further new grants were opened up to Motorsport clubs.  Applications were completed and returned for 3 grants. With some excitement we’re happy to report that the club has been successful with all three applications being accepted and approved.

The club would like to thank the Victorian Government’s Community Motorsport Program Club Assistance Category Grant for making the grants available to Motorsport clubs,  also Motorcycling Victoria for their encouragement and assistance. It will assist in growing our club and we’re finally starting to feel that our chosen sport is recognised as a legitimate sport along with other more traditional sports in our community.
The main area’s the three grants will assist the club are:
1.  Advanced First Aid Training  / Grant $1950 – Renew current and allow new Advanced First Aid Accreditation for club volunteers
2.  Safety & Operational Equipment for Event Use / Grant $8,721 – 15 New 5W UHF radio’s to improve communications for First Aiders and Track Officials, New Bollards, Witches Hats and Safety Vests to aid visual presentation and control restricted area’s
3.  Come & Try Day Carnival / Grant $6978 – Loosely scheduled for March 2022 this will be a celebration of motorcycling to encourage families, riders of all ages and genders to enjoy our sport and see what our club is all about featuring the following activities. There will be a large marquee to help facilitate some of the activities so if it’s hot, wet or something else we’ll be covered!!  More information will follow on this initiative and the call for further input and volunteers to help make it a day to remember..
Some of the planned activities:
– Coaching for riders by two accredited Motorcycling Victoria coaches
– Basic motorcycle safety checks and maintenance instruction from a qualified motorcycle mechanic
– Show and shine for all forms of motorcycles, old and new and everything in between
– Riding our three tracks which cover Junior, intermediate and senior levels
– And anything else we can think of to make it a fun and memorable day
Looking forward to catching up soon,
The New Tractor has been stickered 🙂 & new flexible markers around PeeWee Track

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