Celebration Of Motorcycling Wrap-up – Show “N” Shine & Raffle Winners
Celebration Of Motorcycling Wrap-up – Show “N” Shine & Raffle Winners

Hi Everyone, What a wonderful weekend it turned out to be after some very worrying weather reports throughout the week. The marquee went up early Friday morning and Show “N” Shine bikes started turning up during the day to find shelter. Early evening it absolutely poured down through to early Saturday morning but by 7am the rain had cleared up and a little sunshine appeared; out on McGregor Rd water was flowing like a river. Luckily the carpark and coaching areas had been quite dry and soaked up the rain by start of proceedings while some low lying track areas were flooded and tracks were redirected.


Before getting to our lucky winners, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that made our first “Celebration of Motorcycling” happen. Firstly, the Victorian Government and the Motorsport Assistance Program for the Event Grant and the Member for Bass Ms Jordan Crugnale MP for attending the event and drawing out the all important raffle tickets, saying a few words and presenting two of the five Show N Shine Awards.  From successfully applying for the Motorsport grant the planning committee evolved; over several meetings a date was selected and the weekend started taking shape, along with our new track entry sign,  we were up and on our way. The weekend certainly wasn’t perfect, it was the clubs first attempt at an event of this nature and was great just to get it off the ground so to speak. Like our normal track days it just wouldn’t and won’t happen unless members step forward to volunteer, so a big thank you to everyone involved in making it happen. From planning, rounding up support for raffle prizes, event sponsors, displays,  sign-on, canteen, grounds preparation, First Aiders, sweep riders and the many other volunteers needed over the three days from set-up to pack-up, hope everyone is proud of what was achieved!!   It just couldn’t happen without you and that’s what community clubs are all about.

  • Ten Coaching sessions were provided over the weekend split between two coaches and assistants, with a total of 75 coaching places filled of all ages. Feedback from participants, parents and onlookers exceeded all expectations ranging from junior, intermediate and advanced levels. The commitment to the sport and professionalism displayed by our two coaches, Emma (ably assisted by Moni) and Wayne (ably assisted by Rebecca) introduced new skills and riding attributes, no doubt enhancing everyone’s abilities. Wayne and Emma thank you very much for enthusiastically sharing your knowledge.
  • Now to the old timers of the club (well, some not so old….) for bringing out their bikes to put on display. It certainly wasn’t your normal Show “N” Shine, more a collectic gathering of motorcycles out on display for everyone to enjoy, and that we did.  With 53 bikes ranging from old and new, trail and road bikes, motocross and circuit racers, old school mini bikes and a sprinkling of adventure bikes it was a great display.
  • Show “N” Shine Awards – with special thanks to Shannons Insurance for the trophies plus a $50 fuel card for each winner. Also thanks to OMY in Beaconsfield, Castello’s.. the Drake and Shanikas in Pakenham for providing an additional vouchers for prize winners
    • Judges Choice: 1951 BMW 500 – Lindsay Hansen
    • Presidents Choice: 2017 Suzuki DRZ400 Personalised Adventure Option –  James Wright
    • Special Mention: 1974 Maico 501 – Scott Webster
    • Peoples Choice: 1980 Yamaha YZ3DR – Graeme Maddocks
    • Junior Award: 1980 Suzuki RM80 – Gary Doggen
  • And The Winners Are…. (A special thank you to all the contributors and raffle book sellers)
    • 1st Prize –Deluxe Office Chair $530 – BACK CARE & SEATING CARLTON    –Kent Family
    • 2nd Prize – $500 Voucher – PETER STEVENS DANDENONG   Scott Pittard
    • 3rd Prize – $250 Voucher – MOTO NATIONAL (Redeemable at PowerHouse Motorcycles Pakenham) – D. Ortolan
    • 4th Prize – Columbia Omni Heat Jacket Size L $250 – BCF PakenhaK. Zammit
    • 5th Prize – Columbia Omni Heat Jacket Size XL $250 – BCF Pakenham – Kent Family
    • 6st Prise – One Year KWRMCC Membership, Riding Jersey, Hoodie, Cap & Stubby Holder $230   G Sampson
    • 7th Prize – One On One 3 hour Rider Training Session $220 – POSITIVE THROTTLE    S Webster
    • 8th Prize – Fuel Card $200 – RAY WHITE CRANBOURNE    – Dan (C.O. Rosco)
    • 9th Prize – Fuel Card $200 – RAY WHITE CRANBOURNE    B Sanders
    • 10th Prize – Fuel Card $100 – RAY WHITE CRANBOURNE,  PLUS Bike Washing Gear (SuperCheap Auto Pakenham) & Road bike Gloves  (Rankin Family)   K Simioni
    • 11th Prize – BBQ Pizza Oven Box Plus 30 Can Esky $130 – Bunnings Pakenham    N Dapiran
    • 12th Prize – $100 Voucher – Redeemable at PowerHouse Motorcycles Pakenham   Fattie
    • 13th Prize – $100 Voucher – MOTO NATIONAL (Redeemable at PowerHouse Motorcycles Pakenham)   – Kent Family
    • 14th Prize – Handcrafted Patchwork Quilt $100 – Kerry Wilson   – Charlie Rigney

On Behalf of the Club & Event Committees, hope you enjoyed the weekend event.




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