A Very Merry Christmas Kids Break Up 2019
A Very Merry Christmas Kids Break Up 2019

What a wonderful Kids Break Up we had for 2019. With perfect weather, Santa and his side kick Elf made a grand appearance late Saturday afternoon and delivered a small gift for all the very excited kids.

There was plenty of riding, along with the jumping castle, fairy floss and slurpy machines the kids and adults had a terrific, fun filled couple of days at the track. It was great to see so many members turn up for both days. The kids would have slept pretty well Sunday night…..

I would like to thank everyone who came along and enjoyed the weekend but especially our members who where able to give their time and equipment to prepare the tracks, set up and help run the 2 ride days along with the canteen helpers and those who prepared our meals. I’m sure all that attended also appreciated the work required to run the event.

Big CONGRATULATIONS must go to Moni Simioni on a stellar year and taking out this years Miles Honda Most Improved Junior Perpetual Trophy, well done Moni !!

2019 has seen another busy and eventful year with many new members (86) being welcomed to the club.  All this would not be possible without the tireless work of the general committee and the track committee, the many volunteers (both young and old) ranging from ride leaders through to the McGregor Rd Track and those who offer their equipment and expertise when needed.  2020 will be a challenging year with the need to relocate our tracks to the east end of lot 2 for the start of the season. A big thank you to everyone and looking forward to seeing you all next year.

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

All The Best From The Committee – John, Beau & Daniel

Cheers… Spanner

 A Few Highlights from the Weekend

Santa and his very little Elf  arrive in style Saturday afternoon


Moni Simioni being presented the Miles Honda Most Improved Junior Trophy for 2019


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