A great start to 2019
A great start to 2019

The first meeting of the year at the Paky Bowls Club, saw a brilliant turn up of more than 60 members both old and new in attendance.

There was lots of animated discussion including  calendar  events for the coming year. So watch the web page  and facebook for regular calendar updates .

Guest speakers were Daniel Milner (captain of Australia’s wining 2018 ISDE 6 Day team) and Ryan Taylor  (7 times Vic road race champion and going for an 8th this year). Both spoke about their careers and how the KWRMCC has influenced  and supported them. It was agreed that the influence is now very much a two way street, with both ‘lads’ shining examples to our younger riders.

If you would like to read more about Daniel’s and Ryan’s careers follow these links as starting point:

Daniel Milner racing – Home | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com › Pages › Public Figure › Athlete

Ryan Taylor Racing – Home | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/RyanTaylorRacing/

A following meeting was held at the track on the 12/2/18, to discuss the year ahead.  The aim of this extra meeting  was looking for more members to assist with ongoing maintenance and running of the track, and we were not disappointed with some 40  adult members attending, and some young ones as well.

There will be a working B this coming Sunday 17th Feb starting at 9am and hopefully finishing around 12:30.

Following that we will look to a first open date for the track in the next few weeks, so watch this space and facebook to see that date.

If you are free and were not able to attend the meeting, please don’t let that stop you from coming to lend a hand on Sunday.  We would love to see  many as possible, especially some new faces.

Please bring along any tools you have such as whipper snippers, shovels, hammers etc.. etc. The weather is looking good … 29 and sunny, so should be a great day.

Any queries… call John Spencer (Spanna) – chair of the track committee.  0422 299 627

A stunning sunset at the close of the meeting

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