Terry’s Tassie Trip Report – 2019
Terry’s Tassie Trip Report – 2019

Lets Go Riding, Tassie 2019…

Everyone arrived at Princes Pier on time to enjoy a few “pre sail frothies” before boarding the Spirit of Tasmania and a couple more onboard enjoying a smooth overnight trip over to Davenport.

After breaky in Davenport we headed to Myrtle Park in Tassies north east, built the camp that would be home for the next 5 days and was great to meet up with the Tassie crew, good times ahead.

Day 1 – 31 Riders : Todays ride was an 85km trip, it was lunch at Lilydale and then into a great day of single line tracks. Mumbles lead us into a track we named “Never Never Land” for some strange reason. It was back to camp before dark and enjoyed our first camp cook-up with a frothy or two over a huge fire.



Day 2 – 29 Riders: Was a long 164Km ride and a lunch stop at Tonganah, a massive ride on mainly single line tracks. Another interesting item for the day was the appearance of a dress for anyone that “stuffed” up so it was shared around to many over the rest of the trip. Rowen took a slight detour and got stuck in quicksand, it was that quick it held onto his boot while he was trying to get out and it was a fair effort to retrieve his bike and the boot !!   The arvo was spent in sandy woop’s that most enjoyed and then back to camp for a few well earned frothies and food around the camp fire. Was a much quieter night as everyone was absolutely flogged out 🙂


Day 3 – 27 Riders: A little shorter today with 130km’s with lunch at Pipers River. The day started with a couple of steep hills that kept everyone entertained, especially with Mumbles our lead rider and Murray having a few cracks at the first hill. Big J smashed the front brake perch and had to fit a Yamaha part to his Honda, apparently J rode much quicker after the fitment. Mid morning we arrived at an old train tunnel which was challenging riding through pitch black with no headlight, while being pretty noisy with the young fella’s revving their bikes as they do. On our way to Birdy’s for lunch it became extremely dusty and later in the day we had our first injury. Our new friend Leni from Romania had a meeting with a big log which ended her ride with a cracked rib and sore shoulder. Tonight was a feast of fresh oysters and scollops so it just doesn’t get any better than that but unfortunately for the support boys, they had to share the dress for the night for not having enough alcohol at the camp !!!

Day 4 – 25 Riders: A leisurely 110km’s with lunch back at the camp, was a mixture of the last 3 mornings tracks and a trip through”The Thin Blue Line” which is an extreme track. It was one and half hours of our lives we’ll never get back. Night 4 was another entertaining night of antic’s around the camp along with 20mm of rain.



Day 5 – 9 Riders: The morning was pack up time, the previous days were starting to take it’s toll with only 9 “gutsy” riders taking to the tracks and the rest taking the soft option and went touring. From Beaconsfield the tracks were great after the rain but unfortunately Mumbles (our main man) had a big off which ended his ride. When we got back to camp it was a time for a few beers with our great Tassie mates before packing up and heading back to Davenport for a pub dinner, another feed of scollops.  From there it was back to the boat for a smooth trip home, another great adventure had come to an end 🙁

A Massive Thanks To….

– Mumbles and All Our Tassie Brothers for Leading Us Around

– Gary, Nick and Horse for carrying out the “Support Crew” activities

– And of course the RAT PACK, all the riders for coming along and making it such an awesome trip 

Roll On 2020 Tassie Trip !!!




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