Dirt Bike Ride – CMF Revival Weekend Report
Dirt Bike Ride – CMF Revival Weekend Report

Around 30 riders braved the elements for a 2 day dirt bike ride weekend, camping at CMF Track Aberfeldy on the weekend of 20th & 21st October

It’s been a while since we last held a camping weekend in this area and it was good to see some old and new faces making the effort, even with the weather being a little damp on Saturday. Riding conditions were very good and the rain kept the dust to a minimum, it cleared up late in the afternoon for a great night around the campfire. Two of Brooky’s best webber’s kept the chicken wings and dim sim’s coming, they disappeared bloody quickly…

Six club adventure riders made an appearance Saturday afternoon after an entertaining ride led by Terry cutting through the Bunyip State Forest, then on to Southface Road and a left turn towards CMF. It was good to see Geek on his first outing on an adventure bike, riding one of PowerHouse’s SWM’s in a spirited fashion (at times…) Three of the A riders left the camp at around 8:30pm for a quite ride back to Pakenham watching out for a rouge wombat or two.

Thanks to Brooky for organising the ride weekend, appreciated by all that attended. 

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