Vale – Rod Gascoigne 1973 -2020

It is with sadness that we advise of the passing of one of our valued Club members, Rod  Gascoigne. Sadly Rod took his own life on 29th March. The club was not aware until his partner Nat called recently to inform us. Rod and his two boys (Kaden and Jake) have been regulars at the McGregor Rd Track over the…

Hi Everyone, Hope this finds you well while trying to stick to our COVID restrictions.. Unfortunately it’s not good news, the scheduled track day for 28th June has been cancelled. It’s still far to wet to operate after the rain earlier this week and we have just been informed by Motorcycling Victoria of the following information… Due to the current…

We have had a few members contact to see if the track is open so just posting up to let members know our current situation. As it stands with social distancing the track can be opened following guidelines… However currently the track is inundated with water. If you have driven by McGregor Rd of late you will have noticed the…

Hi Everyone,  Good news the queens birthday weekend (NEXT WEEKEND) trip to dargo will be going ahead cost is $80 per night for bed and breakfast we have 2 houses to stay in across the road from the pub  and the pub will be serving meals  for lunch and dinner for people to purchase separately,  meals and grog can also…

Hi Everyone, Hope this finds you all well.. Please read on to find out whats been going on behind the scenes, where the clubs up to in regards to returning to some normality after two months of the dreaded COVID-19 isolation. Firstly, with the easing of restrictions a Club Committee Meeting was held last Tuesday (19th) and Track Committee Meeting…

On Behalf of Our Club – For Remembrance and Thanks  KooWeeRup War Memorial 

Hope this finds all Club members and families doing well, having just completed our first month of the dreaded COVID19 isolation restrictions. No doubt it’s been a challenge over this time for many members with changes to work and family routines, not to mention trying to find a good excuse to wheel the bike out of the shed. More importantly…

To All Our Valued Members, After careful consideration the KWR&DMCC Committee has decided to postpone all club activities immediately due to the current Corona Virus Pandemic. The Pakenham Bowls Club (Club meeting location) notified us that the venue was being shut down until further notice. We considered alternate locations but in light of Social Distancing Rules this became increasingly difficult.…

Hi Everyone, McGregor Rd Track will be open this Sunday 22/3/20 using temporary tracks on land just west of the of Pakenham Car Club section. Please read previous Post – McGregor Rd Track Update published on the 31/1/20 for information on our current track situation with Cardinia Council The Canteen caravan and toilet trailer have been relocated to this location…

Our Annual Memorial ride takes place 0n Sunday 29th March to honour members who are no longer with us Everyone is welcome to camp, socialise and enjoy a beer at the block on Saturday night, $5 a head for non owners to cover showers, generator fuel; etc. How to get there on Sunday: The meeting point is on South Face…

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