Vale – Rod Gascoigne 1973 -2020
Vale – Rod Gascoigne 1973 -2020

It is with sadness that we advise of the passing of one of our valued Club members, Rod  Gascoigne.

Sadly Rod took his own life on 29th March. The club was not aware until his partner Nat called recently to inform us. Rod and his two boys (Kaden and Jake) have been regulars at the McGregor Rd Track over the past three years, Rod was always willing to lend a hand when he could. He will be missed.

We extend our deepest condolences to his partner Nat and the boys, who have indicated that they wish to continue as Club members. We look forward to seeing them when the track is open once again.

Nat is happy for us to advise Club members re the circumstances.

Over the years we’ve had members who openly acknowledged that when they were struggling with ‘black dog’, that it was their links to our Club, and the support from within that helped get them through.

Please……  if you are struggling for what ever reason……..  reach out….  you are not alone

The following links are there for anyone in need:

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

Life Line – 13 11 14            

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