Queens Birthday Weekend Trail Bike & Adventure Bike Ride – Dargo
Queens Birthday Weekend Trail Bike & Adventure Bike Ride – Dargo

Bookings are now being taken for Queen’s Birthday long weekend (June 8th to 10th) at Dargo.

Staying at the Dargo hotel at $110 per night which includes bed dinner and breakfast. You can book for a one, two or a 3 night stay.
Come along and enjoy the weekend, along with organised trail rides for Saturday and Sunday there will be road/adventure bike ride arriving at Dargo Hotel Saturday arvo. Even if your bike is out of action bring your 4WD and join this annual social weekend.

Open to all members and friends. We need confirmation and bookings paid for by Easter 19/4/19.

Contact Beau on 0438054198 to book and get payment details.

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